October Featured Yogi: Patricia Gutierrez Contreras
Posted by Courtney Haney on
For October, our calendar features Patricia Gutierrez Contreras. Patricia has been a yoga instructor for 8 years, and yoga has been an important part of her life ever since: "Yoga has been for me the path, the journey, learning, self-knowledge and acceptance. I have reinvented myself, I have fallen, and I have gotten up on the mat and in life. And today I feel grateful for what it was, for what it is and what it will be."
Patricia's photo was taken at Las Coloradas, Mexico. These lakes produce salt through solar evaporation of the water, and the pink color comes from a combination of red algae, plankton and brine shrimp. Salt has been extracted from this region for thousands of years. Patricia reflects on her experience visiting Las Coloradas: “The day of the photo was very hot but the beauty of the place is worth admiring. Nature surprises, the sea connects you with the immensity and silence fills your spaces with peace and calm.”